Behind the Redesign — a Q&A with Jill Visit, Creative Director of Neutral

The following is a Q&A with Jill Visit, Executive Creative Director of Neutral

Why a packaging change?

We knew from our customers and our partners that, while our original design stood out on shelves, it was confusing. We needed to make it more clear that this was organic, pasture-raised DAIRY milk, not an alt milk, and not orange juice. It was time to evolve our design and keep the yellow that set us apart, but make it easier for our customers to understand.

Did you design or work with an outside firm?

We worked with Faven on this project, a woman-led agency based in Colorado. They were able to add in category-norm elements (like the cow), and evolve the messaging hierarchy to make it simple, legible, and in keeping with our brand ethos of approachability and levity. We think the result better identifies the product and is a great representation of our values.

What do you most want the packaging to evoke?

We wanted this package to tell our story. As the first carbon-neutral food company in the U.S., we have a story that most people haven’t heard before, and it involves a lot of science, so it’s challenging to explain what we’re about quickly and succinctly on a package. We had to let people know that Neutral supports greenhouse gas reductions on farms, and do it in a way that also conveyed our sense of climate optimism and hopefulness – a core tenet of our brand.

Where did you get your inspiration for the design? 

We knew from the start that we wanted to keep our signature yellow in some form or fashion, and that we wanted to stand out from the herd (couldn’t resist). Other than that, we wanted to include enough cues to let people know right away that this was organic dairy milk, and we wanted it to be playful and approachable. We think Faven did an amazing job bringing that brief to life.

What do you hope most resonates with consumers when they see the carton?

My hope is that people will see that this is a milk that’s highest quality – organic, pasture-raised – that ALSO helps save the planet. It’s a way to reduce your climate footprint right at the breakfast table, and it supports amazing farmers who are working to change agriculture for good.


What does this new packaging stand out from the competition? 

Our signature yellow is impossible to miss, and our adorable cows help create an overall aesthetic that’s playful and cheerful. We also know that being carbon-neutral really sets us apart. A lot of brands have goals to be carbon-neutral by 2030 or 2050 (which we love!), but we are carbon-neutral today.


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Isn’t she lovely? Neutral’s new milk packaging gives consumers a how-to on carbon-neutral milk