Who we work with
It takes a village to decarbonize agriculture, and we certainly couldn’t do it without our partners. From advisors to certifiers to investors, we are fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most respected leaders in the industry. And our own internal team of climate scientists and farm experts aren’t too shabby, either!
Academics & advisors
Dr. Greg Thoma is the Director of Agricultural Modeling and Lifecycle Assessment for the AgNext program at Colorado State University. He has spent his career studying the footprint of animal agriculture and led numerous food and agriculture life cycle assessment projects: milk, cheese, milk delivery systems, yogurt, swine, poultry, corn, fruits and vegetables, pulses, and beef. Neutral works with Dr. Thoma to develop comprehensive life cycle assessments for each of Neutral products that are adapted from his previous footprinting work to more closely represent Neutral’s supply chain.
Dr. Logan Thompson is an animal scientist at Kansas State University whose main interest is in measuring greenhouse gas emissions in grazing systems and how grazing management impacts ecosystem function. We’ve partnered with Dr. Thompson to evaluate methane emissions from the addition of feed supplements like SeaGraze and hay alternatives like sainfoin, with the use of a GreenFeed machine.
Dr. Serkan Ates is an animal scientist at Oregon State University whose research is focused on pasture management for sustainable animal production. His recent work is evaluating the use of pasture forbs with high bioactive compounds for livestock production, health and environmental effects, such as decreased methane emissions. Neutral has collaborated with Dr. Ates on projects to refurbish pastures with species high in tannins that show promising results in reducing enteric methane emissions.
How we back up our claims
SCS Global Services
SCS is a leader in third-party certification, validation, and verification for environmental, sustainability, and food safety. On an annual basis, we work with SCS to certify our products carbon neutral to the SCS 108 Standard for Carbon Neutral Entities, Buildings, Products and Services.
HowGood provides sustainability intelligence for food companies by leveraging the world's largest database on product sustainability. Neutral works with HowGood to maintain product carbon footprints, a GHG Protocol-compliant inventory for scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and track carbon reduction efforts.
Climate Action Reserve
CAR is a trusted and experienced offset registry for global carbon markets, and supports compliance carbon markets in California, Washington and internationally. Neutral sources offsets developed in accordance with CAR’s Livestock Protocol, verified by a third-party, and registered through CAR.
Aster Global Environmental Services
AGES is an environmental services firm that is an accredited third-party verifier for carbon projects. Neutral works with Aster Global to verify 2023 insets developed in accordance with Verra’s Feed Supplements to Reduce Enteric Methane Emissions protocol (VM0041) in Neutral’s supply chain with farm partners.
Our investors
Breakthrough Energy is a venture fund aimed at accelerating climate innovation and driving emissions to zero. Neutral is lucky to have Breakthrough as a key investor. We also value making connections to other companies in their investment portfolio working on similar issues and other innovators and leaders in the climate space.
John Legend, Lebron James, and other celebrity investors are important investors for Neutral. To have a significant impact on the food system, folks need to know about Neutral! We’re lucky to have the support and recognition from high profile investors.
Formed in 2000 by a group of dairy farmers from New Zealand and Ireland, Canterbury Grasslands is a dynamic and progressive pasture-based dairy farming business focused on high profit milk production and respect for the environment, animals, and people.
Fonterra is a New Zealand dairy cooperative focused on sustainable and regenerative farming and creating the highest-quality dairy products for export around the globe.