10 Easy Ways to Be Your Best Sustainable Self

This month is an ideal time to adopt new ways to strive for a more sustainable lifestyle, from everyday practices and habits to the things you buy and use. Here are some helpful ideas for reducing your carbon footprint that are easy to weave into each day:

1. Practice good car etiquette. At the gas pump, avoid topping off the tank, since it can release harmful vapors into the air, and risk spilling gasoline onto the ground. And keep those tires properly inflated for better fuel efficiency, releasing less CO2 into the atmosphere. Good for everyone! 


2. Dodge the fast fashion trend. Buy fewer clothes, from environmentally responsible brands and stores, when possible. Better yet, buy second-hand clothes from vintage and thrift stores or estate and garage sales, or host a clothes swap with friends.   


3. Grow a native lawn. Having native plants and grasses in your yard means using less water, since they’re more acclimated to your local climate. Most big cities and many small towns have helpful resources for learning about native plants, available through plant nurseries, libraries, local universities, and Master Gardener programs.


4. Change up your transportation. Starting with one day or occasion each week, jump on public transportation like the bus, subway, or train to get to work, school, or errands, instead of driving your car. Extra points for biking or walking! 


5. Learn a few simple stiches. Knowing how to execute a simple running stitch or whipstitch means preserving all manner of household items. Instead of throwing out torn kitchen towels or socks with holes, repair them for a longer life, saving your wallet (and the landfill).


6. Buy smart. With apps like Yuka, you can scan barcodes on food products and cosmetics to see their impact on your health and the environment, as well as details on their additives and nutritional value. Stroll the aisles like an educated pro!


7. Clean like a grandma. There’s a lot of wisdom (and germ-fighting power) in vinegar. A solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water cleans and disinfects everything from countertops to showers, and is particularly handy in the kitchen. Throw a sprig of rosemary or rind of lemon or orange into the spray bottle, too. Cut back on chemicals in your house and the greater water system, while reducing packaging waste, too.


8. Adopt a sharing attitude. Many useful and necessary household items only get used a handful of times throughout the year, so it’s not entirely necessary to own them. When it comes to things like leaf blowers, camping chairs, specialty kitchen equipment, or folding tables, consider borrowing or lending them in your community, instead of buying them.   


9. Stick your nose in a book. Read a book, subscribe to a newsletter, or read a magazine article that focuses on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints. The beloved Li sisters’ new book, Perfectly Good Food: A Totally Achievable Zero Waste Approach to Home Cooking (W.W. Norton, 2023) is an excellent place to start.


10. Drink Neutral milk, of course. Sip it, stir it in, or cook with it. Choosing Neutral milk products reduces your carbon food print with one (delicious) choice. While you’re on a roll, here’s a recipe for bread that uses milk to achieve its unique texture and flavor.



Neutral organic milk now at Walmart!


The Easiest New Year’s Resolution: Reduce your carbon footprint instantly with Neutral milk